Monday, 24 November 2014

What the Future of Solar Panels

 Over the past decade, there's been a lot of change in the solar panel industry. Costs have come down dramatically, silicon panels have held off a slew of competing technologies, and most importantly, the market has become financially viable.

This is great progress, but there's a relentless need for the solar industry to cut costs, and that means companies are far from done innovating when it comes to solar panels. The next leap forward is already under way.

More and more communities, like this one, are finding it cost effective to go solar. Source: Sun-

The next phase of solar panels 
The technology solar manufacturers have added to solar systems in just the last few years is remarkable. When you get solar installed on your home, it's no longer just panels and a meter that spins both forward and backward for net metering with the grid (I'm simplifying, here). Today, a solar system can tell you if there's a problem and where it is, energy can be stored and used at a later time, and in the future, the solar system will even be at the heart of your home's energy management.
One step along that path is integrating more electronics into the solar panels themselves. This will allow manufacturers to move more component assembly from the field to highly efficient manufacturing plants and reduce the number of components shipped to a site. There's huge progress being made on that front right now.
En-phase Energy has been one of the leaders in what's called micro inverters, small inverters that are installed on the solar panel itself as opposed to a larger string inverter for the entire solar system. The micro inverter means electricity coming from the solar panel will be alternating current (AC), which your house runs on, instead of direct current (DC). This should allow for easier installation and fewer components for installers to manage.

Sun power -recently bought micro  Inverter manufacturer Solar Bridge Technologies to add capabilities to its high efficiency solar panels. Last week, management explained how the micro inverter technology will help simplify the residential installation process.

Here's an image of the components Sun-power uses today:

Source: Sun Power.

And this is an image of the residential solar system of the not so distant future. You can see that this will reduce inventory, complexity, and labor costs for each solar installation.

Source: Sun Power.
An increasing amount of technology is being put into the solar panel itself, which will help lower costs and installation times.
Just the beginning of panel innovation 
Most of the integration of the solar panel and inverter is currently happening at the installation level, but in the future, solar panel manufacturers will integrate inverters into the panels themselves.
Solar City is building a manufacturing plant with technology acquired from Silevo. Given the company's focus on cutting costs and reducing installation steps I would be surprised if they didn't acquire micro inverter technology in the near future and add that component to manufacturing plans. Green tech-media recently predicted that Solar Edge Technologies would be its target and I also think En-phase Energy would make a lot of sense.
The other company who could benefit from a more seamless system is Vivint Solar , who uses En-phase Energy micro inverters but uses a variety of solar panel manufacturers. If all panels came pre-assembled it would ease the installation process even further.
Another advantage of micro inverters is the ability to monitor a solar system on a panel specific level. As it stands today, centralized string inverters can monitor a system's performance but it's harder to tell you which panel is having issues or what's going wrong. Panel level electronics could do that.
The future of solar panels 
Micro inverters are a growing percentage of residential solar systems and in a few years I think they'll dominate the market. This will lower installation cost, reduce installation time, and improve operational functionality for solar consumers.
The vision is that solar panels of the future will be almost a plug and play proposition for homeowners, reducing the complexity of installing solar and making it cheaper to be a solar energy producer. That's good for the growth of the solar industry and opens a new markets to cost effective solar energy.
1 great stock to buy for 2015 and beyond 2015 is shaping up to be another great year for stocks. But if you want to make sure that 2015 is your best investing year ever, you need to know where to start. That's why The Motley Fool's chief investment officer just published a brand-new research report that reveals his top stock for the year ahead. To get the full story on this year's stock

Saturday, 25 October 2014

Getting Started with Solar Electricity

Getting Started with Solar Electricity

With grid-tied PV systems becoming more and more popular, it is important for RE professionals and system owners alike to have realistic expectations of their systems’ performance. Solar-electric power production can be affected by several factors. Orientation, array tilt, seasonal adjustments, and array siting can all affect the bottom line. Proper planning and smart design will help you get the most out of your PV system and improve your rate of return. Installing modules in a sunny, shade-free spot and pointing them toward the sun could be considered common sense to many, but properly orienting and tilting your array for optimal performance is not as intuitive. A PV array’s output is proportional to the direct sunlight it receives. Even though PV modules produce some energy in a shady location or without ideal orientation, system costs are high enough that most will want to maximize energy yield. Regardless of how well a system is designed, improper installation can result in poor performance. PV systems should operate for decades, and the materials and methods to install them should be selected accordingly.
Should you install your system or hire a licensed professional to do the work? What skills and tools do you need to tackle a home-scale PV project? How much will you save if you install the system yourself? We frequently get questions like these from Home Power readers. Rather than defaulting to the obvious answer, “it depends,” we explore a long list of variables you should thoughtfully consider before tackling the design and installation of your PV system. Owner installation is definitely not for everyone. Like any home improvement project, it’s important to realistically assess your skills, and weigh the benefits and potential pitfalls. Installing a PV system certainly isn’t rocket science, but doing it well and safely requires experience working with electrical systems, some serious research, and plenty of sound advice. The installation of most residential PV systems is usually better left to the pros, but if you have the right set of skills and expectations, installing your own system can be a realistic goal.
Often, folks who want to install their own system are the same people who are pondering a career shift into the PV industry.  Despite the challenging economic climate, there are jobs to be had in this growing market, and with government funds and decreasing component costs fueling new projects and green job training, the time is right to make your move. With a little know-how, the right training, and a sunny disposition, you can be on a new, green career path. Depending on your background and existing skill set, attending a workshop or two may get your foot in the door with a solar company, but you’ll likely need to pursue some level of certification or additional credentials if you’re serious about making a career in the industry. While you can obtain a lot of system design knowledge from online and classroom presentations, when it comes to installation specifics, nothing beats hands-on training. These courses are not short—nor inexpensive—and are usually geared toward individuals wanting to become professional installers. Training followed by a home installation can be a great progression if you’re considering entering the PV industry. The value of living with a PV system, for both homeowners and up-and-coming professionals, is priceless.

How to Implement Solar Electricity

How to Implement Solar Electricity?
As discussed in Step 1, there are several different applications for PV systems. Which system is right for you depends on your particular situation and RE goals. Due to available incentive programs and the simplistic nature of batteryless grid-tied PV systems, they are the most common type of system installed in the United States today. Here is a checklist to see if this type of system might work for you:
  • Interested in clean power? Check.
  • Already on the grid? Check.
  • Infrequent utility outages? Check.
  • Have a sunny location to mount PV modules? Check.
If this describes your situation, then a batteryless grid-tied PV system could be the perfect fit. Compared to their off-grid counterparts, batteryless grid- tied systems are simple to understand and design, with only two primary components: PV modules and an inverter that feeds AC electricity back into the electrical system to offset some or all of the electricity otherwise purchased from the utility. These systems are cheaper, easier to install and maintain, and operate more efficiently than battery-based systems of comparable size. Their main drawback is that when the grid goes down, they cannot provide any energy for you to use. If the grid in your area is mostly reliable and outages are infrequent, these systems can offer the best payback for the least price.
The primary goal of a grid-tied PV system is to offset all or some of your electricity usage. Yet the first step in going solar is not sizing the PV system, but reducing electricity usage through conservation and efficiency measures. Once energy-efficiency and conservation measures have been implemented, you’re ready to size a PV system to offset the remaining energy usage. Annual energy use figures can be requested from your utility, and these values can be used to determine the PV array size. However, there are a few other considerations that will impact PV system size. In residential areas especially, a primary constraint to PV array sizing can be the size of the available shade-free mounting area. PV modules can be mounted on a roof, the ground, or a pole (which includes trackers). Regardless of which mounting method is used, the shade-free area, minus clearance needed for maintenance or roof setbacks required by local fire department guidelines, will limit how large the array can be. In the case of roof-mounted systems, typically 50% to 80% of a roof plane will be available for mounting PV modules. Often the most confining consideration is budget. Currently (early 2012), the cost per installed watt of residential PV systems ranges from $5 to $8, which includes everything—modules, inverter, disconnects, racking, wire, and conduit to taxes, shipping, installation labor, and permitting. Reducing the cost is the uncapped 30% federal tax credit. Additionally, many individual states, municipalities, and utilities offer rebates that can further offset a PV system’s cost. The Database of State Incentives for Renewables & Efficiency (DSIRE; organizes incentive programs by state and program type, making incentives easy to research.
Off-Grid Systems: Living off the grid is a romantic ambition for some; a practical necessity for others. But whatever your motivation for off-grid living, cutting the electrical umbilical cord from the utility shouldn’t be taken lightly. Before you pull out the calculator, size up the realities and challenges of living off the grid. Designing a stand-alone PV system differs substantially from designing a batteryless grid-direct system. Instead of meeting the home’s annual demand, a stand-alone system must be able to meet energy requirements every dayof the year. Determining the home’s daily and seasonal energy usage, along with considering the daily and seasonal availability of the sun, allows designers to estimate the PV array and battery bank size, and charge controller and inverter specifications. 

Why Use Solar Electricity?

Why Use Solar Electricity?

When we consider the true cost of energy, we need to look at the big picture, not just the rate on the utility bill. Conventional fuels have real social, environmental, and economic impacts. There are annual and cumulative costs that stem from all of the pollutants (airborne, solid, and liquid) emitted from mining, processing, and transporting fossil fuels that impact our public health and the environment. Electricity derived from coal and natural gas will never be able to outweigh the energy and continual resources required to produce it. Unlike conventional energy sources, PV systems produce clean electricity for decades after achieving their energy payback in three or fewer years—this is truly the magic of PV technology.

 Grid electricity is paid for as you use it, with payments stretching out forever. In contrast, the majority of PV system expenses are paid for at the time the system is installed. After that, the energy is essentially free. In strictly economic terms, the rate of return for your PV system depends on three things—solar resource; electricity prices; and state policies or incentives. While many utilities sell electricity at affordable rates, inflation as well as energy price history and forecasts indicate price increases in our future, which will make RE systems’ payback even quicker. Historical data reported by the Edison Electric Institute shows that from 1929 to 2005, the average annual price increase for electricity has been 2.94% per year. And according to the Energy Information Administration’s June 2008 Short Term Energy Outlook, utility rates are projected to increase by an average of 3.7% in 2008 and by another 3.6% in 2009. Federal tax credits for renewable energy systems are available, reducing a RE system’s cost, and many states, regions, and utilities also offer substantial rebates, performance-based incentives, tax credits, tax exemptions, loans, and other economic incentives for solar-electric systems.
Independence is chief among the reasons for wanting an off-grid PV system where the grid is available. Off-grid systems are not subject to the terms or policies of the local utility, nor are system owners subjected to rate increases, blackouts, or brownouts. If you’re shopping for rural property, you’ll probably find that off-grid parcels are less expensive. Being off-grid can also be cheaper than getting a utility line extended to a property.
When weighing the energy options (between the grid and solar, wind or water sources) it becomes apparent that solar energy is a very democratic form of energy. Because the sun shines everywhere, the potential to utilize solar energy is available to everyone. Additionally, as compared to generators (gas, or even wind- or hydro-powered ones), because PV systems have no moving parts, they are extremely reliable and require very little maintenance.

What is Solar Electricity

What is Solar Electricity?

Photovoltaic (PV) modules make electricity from sunlight, and are marvelously simple, effective, and durable. They sit in the sun and, with no moving parts, can run your appliances, charge your batteries, or make energy for the utility grid.
A PV array is the energy collector—the solar “generator” and does so via the photovoltaic effect. Discovered in 1839 by French physicist Alexandre-Edmund Becquerel, the photovoltaic effect describes the way in which PV cells create electricity from the energy residing in photons of sunlight. When sunlight hits a PV cell, the cell absorbs some of the photons and the photons’ energy is transferred to an electron in the semiconductor material. With the energy from the photon, the electron can escape its usual position in the semiconductor atom to become part of the current in an electrical circuit.

 Most PV cells fall into one of two basic categories: crystalline silicon or thin-film. Crystalline silicon modules can be fashioned from either monocrystalline, multicrystalline, or ribbon silicon. Thin-film is a term encompassing a range of different technologies, including amorphous silicon, and a host of variations using other semiconductors like cadmium telluride or CIGS (copper indium gallium diselenide). Thin-film technology generates a lot of the current R&D chatter, but crystalline modules currently capture more than 80% of the marketplace.
To use the energy from the array, you may also need other components, such as inverters, charge controllers and batteries, which make up a solar-electric system. The components required are dependent on the system type designed. System types include:
PV-DIRECT SYSTEMS: These are the simplest of solar-electric systems, with the fewest components (basically the PV array and the load). Because they don’t have batteries and are not hooked up to the utility, they only power the loads when the sun is shining. This means that they are only appropriate for a few select applications, notably water pumping and ventilation—when the sun shines, the fan or pump runs.
OFF-GRID SYSTEMS: Although they are most common in remote locations without utility service, off-grid solar-electric systems can work anywhere. These systems operate independently from the grid to provide all of a household’s electricity. These systems require a battery bank to store the solar electricity for use during nighttime or cloudy weather, a charge controller to protect the battery bank from overcharge, an inverter to convert the DC PV array power to AC for use with AC household appliances, and all the required disconnects, monitoring, and associated electrical safety gear.
GRID-TIED SYSTEMS WITH BATTERY BACKUP: This type is very similar to an off-grid system in design and components, but adds the utility grid, which reduces the need for the system to provide all the energy all the time.
BATTERYLESS GRID-TIED SYSTEMS: These most common PV systems are also known as on-grid, grid-tied, utility-interactive, grid-intertied, or grid-direct. They generate solar electricity and route it to the loads and to the electric utility grid, offsetting a home’s or business’s electricity usage. System components are simply comprised of the PV array, inverter(s), and required electrical safety gear (i.e., fuses/breakers/disconnects/monitoring). Living with a grid-connected solar-electric system is no different than living with utility electricity, except that some or all of the electricity you use comes from the sun. (The drawback of these batteryless systems is that they provide no outage protection—when the utility grid fails, these systems cannot operate.)

Wednesday, 22 October 2014

IronRidge Integrated Grounding System and FlashFoot Products

IronRidge Integrated Grounding System and FlashFoot Products

IronRidge  released its UL2703-certified, integrated grounding system for roof-mounted PV arrays. The system includes grounding clamps, a strap for rail splicing, and a lug to connect the module row to a grounding conductor. The grounding clamp secures two adjacent modules to a rail, using its “teeth” to pierce the anodized coating on modules and rails to electrically bond them together. These clamps eliminate adding grounding hardware between modules or between modules and rails. This integrated grounding system is used for 60- or 72-cell modules, with frame depths between 31 and 51 mm. (Note: Verify additional frame parameters for compatibility.)
IronRidge also introduced its FlashFoot, which integrates a flashing, lag bolt, and L-foot, and is used for mounting rails onto a composition shingle roof. Features include a pre-installed rubber bushing to make a watertight connection between the lag bolt and the L-foot, 12- by 12-inch flashing coverage, and an elevated sealing platform for increased water shedding away from the roof penetration. This product has a 20-year warranty.

Module-Level Performance

Module-Level Performance

Module-based microinverters, AC modules, and DC optimizers can help systems make the most of the solar resource by maximizing each PV module’s individual performance. But is the added expense and complexity worth it?
Microinverters, AC modules, and DC optimizers—module-level power electronics (MLPEs)—are gaining in popularity for their ability to squeeze the maximum energy out of a PV system, especially in sites with partial shading. Here’s what you need to know to determine if MLPEs are right for your system and situation.


Microinverters are small, self-contained inverters, ranging from 200 to 400 W AC, that are paired with a PV module to produce grid-tied AC. They mount on the PV module’s frame or the rack where the module is attached. The microinverters’ outputs are wired in parallel by their shared AC power cable.
  • Microinverters accomplish their function using four basic circuits which:
  • Change the PV module’s low-voltage DC to high-voltage DC (typically 250 to 450 VDC)
  • Change the high-voltage DC to sine-wave AC
  • Use MPPT to squeeze out the maximum power from the PV module
  • Detect the presence of the utility grid before feeding power to the grid
A PV module must match the microinverter’s input specifications for voltage range and/or number of PV cells in the module (i.e., 60, 72, or 96 cells). Micros have some mounting flexibility, and may be attached to the PV frame or mounting rack.

AC Modules

An AC module is a PV module with a factory-attached microinverter—a close cousin of the microinverter, but with some important differences. AC modules are tested and certified to Underwriters Laboratories (UL) standards as a complete product. They bear three certifications—one for the PV module; one for the inverter; and a third for the pair as a complete product stating the required limitations (like maximum number of AC modules that can be paralleled). 
To remain in compliance with the product’s UL certification, failed AC modules must be replaced as a complete unit, regardless of whether the inverter or the PV module is at fault. Field replacement of either item alone invalidates the product’s UL safety certification.
Microinverters that are not sold as part of an AC module are required to incorporate a ground-fault detector and interrupter circuit to turn off the inverter should an unwanted current path develop within the PV module. AC modules are exempt from this requirement. TheNational Electrical Code (NEC) also differentiates AC modules from microinverters—Section 690.6 of the NEC states: “The requirements of Article 690 pertaining to PV source circuits (the DC side of the PV module) shall not apply to AC modules.” This simplifies and lowers the cost of installation of AC modules compared to microinverters.
Another advantage with AC modules is that because the inverter doesn’t have to be mounted separately, installation time is reduced. Additionally, there’s a single point of warranty contact for both the PV module and the inverter.

DC Optimizers

DC optimizers adjust the output from each PV module to match the other modules in the system. But unlike microinverters, they output DC—not AC. Subsequently, they work only with string-inverter-based systems, shifting the task of maximizing PV power from the string inverter to the unit connected to each PV module for module-level MPPT. The result boosts power production from a few percent up to 25% or more, depending on shading or other issues.
Since they adjust each PV module’s current to match other modules in the string, optimizers may simplify system design in the event of shading or mounting orientation differences, such as roof planes that face different directions. While the net system output power may be less than the maximum available, it will still be greater than if optimizers weren’t used. In cold climates, they can help regulate the PV modules’ output voltage, preventing it from exceeding the inverter’s maximum DC voltage input. This allows “extra” PV modules to be connected into a circuit without exceeding that maximum voltage. An array that was limited to 12 PV modules might be expanded to 14 modules without danger of excessively high voltage in the winter, while yielding 16% more energy output. As long as the inverter capacity is large enough, those two extra modules will offer that additional capacity year-round. Over the lifetime of the system, this can add up.
Optimizers attach to PV modules or the rack much in the manner of microinverters, or may be pre-attached to modules in place of PV junction boxes (Tigo Energy and SolarEdge). Like microinverters and AC modules, optimizers also offer module-level performance monitoring for tracking the performance of each PV module in your system.
The optimizers’ MPPT may not co-exist with a string inverter’s MPPT, in which case the string inverter MPPT should be disabled. String inverters from ABB (Power-One), Fronius, KACO, SolarEdge, and others are “optimizer-aware” and can either have their own MPPT disabled or changed to allow the optimizers to function. When optimizers are present on every PV module in a system, the string inverter’s MPPT isn’t needed. Under less-than-ideal PV conditions, optimizers will outperform the string inverter MPPT. Under perfect conditions of no shade and an ideal operating environment for the PV modules, however, the improvement with optimizers will be minimal.

MLPE Advantages

Maximum power from each module. MLPEs allow each module to operate at its maximum potential—regardless of its neighbors. String inverters typically require modules to be wired in strings of eight to 14 modules, and the weakest-performing module in the string limits each module. This could be a weak module from the factory, or one with shade or orientation problems.
Incremental design. Microinverter and AC module systems can be built with as few as one module at a time. This is helpful to deal with budget constraints, or if there’s not enough room for the number of modules required to power a string inverter. They also can be used to supplement a string-inverter system that’s electrically maxed out, but when there’s still roof space remaining for additional modules.
Easier system expansion. Integrating microinverters or AC modules into an existing larger system can usually be done by connecting them into the existing utility service with other inverter equipment. Additional breakers are required for each separate circuit.
Accommodates various module orientations. Microinverters and AC modules are very effective in systems where the PV modules can’t all be in the same plane.
Safer. High-voltage DC is eliminated in microinverter and AC module systems, increasing safety. The highest DC voltage in such systems is that of a single PV module. With no high-voltage wiring, and with DC cables from one PV module connected to one microinverter, the likelihood of DC-side “ground faults” and “arc faults” are reduced.
Field-programmable. Except for ReneSola and Samil Power, all other microinverters and AC Module products listed here can be remotely programmed to meet utility requirements. This can be important for grid-tied systems in certain regions. For example, the state of Hawaii requires that grid-tied inverters operate over wider voltage and frequency ranges than the UL1741 Standard stipulates. In Hawaii, nearly 15% of the utility power is produced by solar sources, with the rest supplied by diesel generators. If inverters in grid-tied systems in Hawaii were held to the values in the UL1741 Standard, during instances of abnormally low line frequency (which are more common with diesel generators), they would turn off, removing all of the solar-electric power from the utility grid.
Module-level monitoring. Module-level monitoring allows Web-based viewing of how each MLPE combination is performing. Since it presents a real-time, side-by-side comparison of each module/inverter pair, if something fails, it will show up on the monitor. The software can pinpoint exactly where the failure has occurred.
But variations in output power are normal in any system—two otherwise-identical units can have different power outputs. For example, one may show 210 W and another 194 W. Is the unit at 194 W malfunctioning? Probably not, yet the difference may cause a customer to worry—and possibly even contact the installer for a fix where there is none required.
If the difference in performance between two MLPE units is more than 25% and there is no obvious cause, keep an eye on it—even though it likely is temporary. If an output is 50% or more than other units, then take steps to get it corrected. While it could be a malfunctioning module, it also could simply indicate leaves or other debris on the array.

MLPE Disadvantages

Replacement. Though many microinverter companies and AC module manufacturers offer reimbursement for warranty service call labor, it still takes time and effort to deal with them, and the reimbursement may not fully cover time and travel.
Failure within an AC module can require more effort to replace than a microinverter failure. To remain in full compliance with UL safety standards, the entire PV/inverter unit must be replaced.
Depending on the installation site and where the failed microinverter or AC module is within the array, it can be difficult and time-consuming to replace; multiple PV modules may have to be removed to reach the failed unit. On the other hand, if there are 20 PV modules in the system, and one microinverter fails, it represents an output loss of only 5%. If a string inverter fails, the output reduction is 100% until the inverter can be repaired or replaced.
Connectors. There are no “universal” connectors for PV modules. Microinverters and optimizers must be “connector-matched” to the PV module to which they’ll connect.
Exposure. PV-mounted electronics are outside where they experience wider extremes of heat and cold, and may fail sooner than components that are weather-protected. But units made with quality parts and manufacturing conditions should mitigate this. “Accelerated-life testing” of MLPEs has shown they can function properly over the life of the PV modules.
Improperly installed microinverters that come into contact with the backsheet or are placed in areas without adequate airflow may run hotter than intended, which will shorten their life.
New NEC requirement. The 2014 NEC requires AC arc-fault protection for wiring between microinverters and AC modules (see “Code Corner” in this issue).

To Go MLPE—or Not

The amount of power production improvement from microinverters, AC modules, or optimizers depends on many variables. According to studies by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), if a completely unshaded PV system receives full sunshine year-round, the differences in power production between MLPE and string-inverter systems is negligible.
Systems that experience even a little shade may benefit considerably from the use of MLPEs. NREL tests reported up to a 13% power production gain under laboratory-controlled conditions in string-inverter systems that used optimizers.
Quality microinverters and AC modules used within their specifications can provide many years of trouble-free operation. Calculations and extensive testing show they’ll work for 25 years or longer.
Optimizers may be excellent add-ons for older PV modules, which NREL testing has shown degrade at slightly differing rates. As age-induced imbalance increases, so will the advantage of optimizers. However, PV modules made in the past 10 years show slower degradation, with less difference between modules, so adding optimizers may not provide as much of a boost compared to using them with older systems.
String-inverter systems tend to be less expensive than those with microinverters or AC modules, which is their main advantage. With microinverters and optimizers, there is no economy of scale, since each must be mounted, increasing installation costs. With string inverters, jumping from one size to the next often only incurs a minimal cost increase. However, as the minimum power range for string inverters creeps upward, small systems can make microinverters or AC modules increasingly attractive.
Is there a best product type to use? There’s no “yes or no” answer. It depends on the system, and where and how it’s installed. A need exists for each of these technologies in the renewable energy industry. There’s no one clear choice to fit all cases.

Choosing a Battery-Based PV Inverter

Choosing a Battery-Based PV Inverter

The inverter is the heart of a battery-based PV system, converting DC from the batteries into AC for lights and appliances. High-power options, better surge capacity, lower cost per watt, and more bells and whistles are now available.

Matching the Inverter to the System

There are basically two different system configurations that utilize battery-based inverters: “off-grid” (also referred to as “stand-alone”) and those that have utility power available. Within the two system types are numerous variations. Determining which inverter is appropriate for your system requires answering several questions:
  • Is there is access to a supplemental power source, such as the grid or a generator?
  • What are the goals for your system? If you’re planning an off-grid system, do you want to minimize generator size? If you are on the grid, do you want to maximize the solar power that’s exported to the grid? Or do you want to maximize your on-site consumption of energy produced by your system?
There are myriad possibilities. Some inverters are built to serve only one or two system configurations, while others can accommodate several different system types­—and selecting how the system functions can be as simple as a quick programming change. The basic battery-based system configurations are discussed below. However, selecting the best inverter for your system requires spending some focused time with inverter cut sheets and manuals, and/or working with an installer who has solid experience with battery-based systems.
Off-grid. As the name suggests, these systems do not have access to utility power. Off-grid homes commonly use a generator for supplemental power for large AC loads or during times of little sun. These systems require an inverter/charger that can operate in off-grid mode and can use outside AC input from the generator for charging the battery bank. Several battery-charging inverters have expanded programming options, optimizing the working relationship between the generator and the inverter. As a result, the generator capacity needed can be reduced (see “Generator Support”).
Grid available. If there is utility power available, you can design a grid-tied system where excess energy is sold back to the grid, but a battery bank is available for backup (aka “grid-tied with battery backup”). These systems require an inverter that has a grid-interactive mode, but can be configured several different ways. The most common method is to have the inverter operate in parallel with the grid when it is available, and to provide backup power to specific AC loads when the grid goes down. This minimizes battery use, since it only draws from them if the grid is down.
There are also newer options for systems—“grid support” and “grid zero.” These are programming modes for some grid-interactive inverters that allow you to fine-tune how your system interacts with the utility. These options can be useful in areas where rules and incentives for grid-interactive systems have changed, such as not allowing exporting of PV energy to the grid or not allowing net metering, making consuming energy from the on-site solar and battery bank more desirable. Some inverters can also accommodate a second AC power source, such as a generator, to provide another level of backup power.
Alternatively, an inverter/battery system can function as a backup system to the grid (i.e., a UPS system) or can use the grid as a backup power source to a solar/inverter/battery system—without exporting any energy to the grid. These systems require inverters that can accept AC power from the grid for battery charging, but do not have to be listed as “grid-interactive.”

Surge Capacity

Inverter surge is a measure of how much power the inverter can put out to start motor loads that may draw much higher than normal power upon startup. Depending on the particular motor, this may take from less than a second to tens of seconds, and may be from 1.5 times to 7 times the motor’s normal load. There is no standard in rating inverter surge capacity, so what one inverter reports as “surge” may not directly compare to another one. A “surge duration” is more useful information than a generic “surge” rating with no specs on duration. One way to determine how an inverter handles surge is reflected in its weight—heavier transformer-based inverters can sustain a good surge for much longer (minutes versus seconds) than a lighter-weight high-frequency inverter. This is one large difference between the inverters designed for whole-house use included in this article compared to many RV and consumer-electronics inverters.

Generator Support

Many off-grid inverters can operate in parallel with a generator, instead of just switching the loads to generator power when the generator comes on. This allows an inverter to “assist” a small generator with large loads. Historically, generators were sized to simultaneously power the largest loads and charge the batteries. Now, with greater inverter capacity, the inverter may be sized to serve the largest loads, with a small generator sized to handle only battery charging. The inverters that can operate in parallel with a generator (often called “generator support”) can help a smaller generator start a large load like a well pump or table saw by briefly drawing power from the batteries.

AC Output Needs

Some inverters provide only 120 VAC output; if your off-grid house (or the critical loads subpanel in your battery backup system) requires 240 volts, a second inverter is added to provide the other phase. Instead of adding a second inverter, an external step-up transformer can be used to get 240 VAC from a 120 VAC inverter. The efficiency is reduced, but the cost may be quite a bit lower than adding a second inverter. Some inverters come with 120/240 VAC split-phase output. Which is best depends on your situation.
If you have no 240 VAC loads, you can use a single 120 VAC inverter to energize both 120 VAC legs of your load panel (see the “Beware: Multiwire Branch Circuits” sidebar). If you have an appliance that requires 240 VAC, such as an existing well pump, you have a couple of choices:
  • If you need 240 VAC, but don’t need the combined power of two inverters, then it can make sense to get a single 120/240 VAC split-phase inverter. For example, if you have a 1 hp deep well pump that draws 2,000 W with a 7,000 W surge at 240 VAC, you could save money by using a single 4,000 W 120/240 VAC inverter to power it, rather than two 3,600 W 120 VAC inverters. On the flipside, these split-phase inverters won’t put out full power on a single leg—they are usually limited to about 67% or 75% of full power on a single leg. So if you have a very large 120 VAC load, a single 120 VAC inverter may be better than a split-phase inverter of the same rating. For example, a 4,000 W, 120 VAC load could not be powered by a 4,000 W, split-phase inverter.
  • If you need 240 VAC and the combined power of two inverters, there are two options. One is to use two 120 VAC inverters stacked in series, and the other is to use two 120/240 VAC inverters stacked in parallel. Using two 120/240 VAC inverters gives redundancy—if one fails, you can still get 240 VAC from the other inverter. This method can also be more efficient, because, for small wattage loads, only one inverter needs to be on. Sometimes the choice depends on the model. Some, notably SMA America’s Sunny Island series and OutBack Power’s line of FX inverters, only come in 120 VAC, so you will be selecting one inverter per phase when using multiple inverters.
A 120/240 VAC inverter is often selected for a battery-backup grid-tied system because it’s cheaper and easier to install. The amperage of the tie-in is half as much at 240 V compared to the tie-in at 120 V. This means you can fit twice as much PV power on a given service size following NEC 705.12(D), which commonly limits the size of the solar input to 20% of the busbar amperage.

Balance of System

Remember that an inverter is only one part of the system—many people focus on selecting and buying the inverter, and then face the challenge of integrating it with rest of the equipment. Magnum Energy, OutBack Power, and Schneider Electric offer wiring solutions (aka “power centers” or “power panels”) for use with their inverters, simplify the wiring considerably. There are also third-party options, such as MidNite Solar’s E-Panel, which provide complete Code-compliant wiring systems to simplify an inverter’s installation. Most inverters from Magnum Energy, OutBack Power, and Schneider Electric require a separate system control panel for programming and monitoring. There are no controls or displays on the inverter itself. This can be good when the inverter is located in a utility room, but, for example, you also want an inverter control/monitor in the living room. This functionality comes at an extra cost—between $150 and $400 depending on the model.
Many of the advanced functions, such as automatic generator-start, are part of the system control panel, not the inverter firmware—without the control panel, you may be limited to just turning the inverter on and off, and not be able to adjust the settings.
Many battery-based inverters can connect to a computer for remote monitoring, control, and data logging. Some allow users to remotely monitor the inverter’s operation via the Web. This usually requires an extra communications box (which may or may not be the same as the remote system control panel).

MPPT Charge Controllers

MPPT Charge Controllers

In a battery-based PV system, a charge controller is used between the PV array and the battery bank to monitor battery voltage, optimize charging, and keep the array from overcharging the batteries.

There are a few common types of charge controllers: single or two-stage (shunt or relay type); pulse-width modulated (PWM); and maximum power-point tracking (MPPT). While non-MPPT charge controllers are less expensive and still have their place in the battery-based PV market—especially for lighting and small developing-world systems—just about all modern home- and cabin-scale PV systems include an MPPT charge controller, as they offer several advantages.

MPPT Advantages

More watts. Recall the power equation—volts × amps = watts. The more voltage captured from an array, the more power (watts) can be sent to the battery bank. An MPPT charge controller keeps the array operating at the peak of the current-voltage curve, and converts array voltage above battery voltage into extra amperage, thus absorbing more watts from the array. A non-MPPT charge controller chains the array’s voltage to the battery’s voltage, effectively limiting the array’s power output.
Array voltage varies with cell temperature. For example, when the cells are cold during winter, yet receiving full sun, the array voltage is higher. Higher array voltage translates into greater wattage. Here’s an example: Considering average winter and summer temperatures in Boulder, Colorado, there would be about a 12% difference between average winter versus summer array power output, and up to a 25% difference on a cold winter day versus a hot summer day. For off-grid systems that have higher loads in the winter, the extra energy input offered by MPPT-based systems can be a big benefit. At higher temperatures, which usually occur in the summertime or year-round in mild climates, array voltage drops, and an MPPT controller may be less advantageous.
Step-down. Voltage conversion is another benefit that is built into MPPT charge controllers. An MPPT charge controller is a DC-DC converter—with computerized controls. It can take a higher voltage and lower amperage, and convert those to a lower output voltage at higher amperage. For example, instead of an array producing a nominal 24 V and charging a 24 V battery, an MPPT controller can step-down an array producing 60 V to charge that battery. This frees the array from having to be matched to the battery voltage, and mitigates some wire-sizing (and cost) issues.
In that example, pushing 30 A at 24 V a distance of 40 feet would require large-gauge (expensive) cable—2 AWG—to keep voltage drop under 2%. For the same amount of power, pushing 12 A at 60 V that same 40 feet with 10 AWG will keep voltage drop under 2%, with the MPPT charge controller stepping the output voltage down to 24 V for the batteries. THHN #2 wire retails for about $1.24 per foot, and #10 sells for about $0.19 per foot, saving $84.00 on that two-way wire run, even without considering conduit size and the physical difficulties of pulling large wire.

Higher Input Voltages

Until recently, most charge controllers could accept a maximum input voltage of only 150 V. Today, one manufacturer has models that accept 200 or 250 V input, and two have models that accept up to 600 V input. Having these options provides more flexibility in designing module strings for battery-based systems. For example, instead of designing strings of three modules in series, strings of six modules in series are possible. This reduces the number of strings needed by half. At half the amperage and twice the voltage, the same size wire can be used, but at four times the distance—without losing power. A 600 V charge controller may be able to accommodate a single series string of 12 modules, negating combiner boxes completely. This translates into less equipment, wire expense, and labor.The 600 V charge controllers may be used for transforming batteryless grid-tied PV arrays to grid-tied with battery backup. In many cases, rewiring the array is unnecessary.
A disadvantage to using a controller with a higher input voltage is that the disconnects and combiner boxes (if required) are typically more expensive and harder to find. Note that one of the 600 V input charge controllers (Morningstar’s TS-MPPT-60-600) has an optional integrated DC disconnect, which can help mitigate sourcing and finding space on the wall for an external 600 V DC disconnect, though the controller’s additional cost is similar to the cost of a separate DC disconnect.

Single-Module PV Systems

Most module manufacturers have switched to a 60-cell design, resulting in modules in the 200 W to 300 W range with a maximum power point of 25 to 35 V. Nominal 12 V and 24 V modules (having 36 and 72 cells, respectively) are harder to find and more expensive per watt. Several manufacturers have introduced MPPT charge controllers to accommodate a single 60-cell module on a 12 V battery system (which might power, for example, remote lighting or communications, or an off-grid cabin). Blue Sky Energy offers several products for 12 V systems, and MidNite Solar and Morningstar have introduced smaller (30 A) MPPT controllers, which will work for a single module on a 12 V system.
These charge controllers cost more than a simple PWM charge controller that you might use on a system with 36-cell (12 V nominal) modules. However, when you take into account the total system cost—PV module(s) plus charge controller—it can be 10% to 20% less expensive to use the 60-cell module with the MPPT charge controller. Plus, you get the advantage of MPPT. In addition, the wiring of the system often is simpler, since it involves one large module and no combiner boxes.

Matching Controllers to Inverters

For off-grid systems, matching the brand of charge controller to the inverter isn’t usually important, since there is very little coordination between these two. The charge controller routes energy into the battery, and the inverter takes it out—neither of them really cares what the other is doing. However, for a grid-tied system, synchronizing them can matter. While there are thousands of battery-based grid-tied systems that operate without communications between the charge controller and inverter, system programming can be simplified and efficiency can be improved if they are matched. Compatible communications systems enable the inverter to tell the charge controller that the grid is available. At this point, the charge controller’s job is not to regulate battery charge but to track the array’s MPP and get the most energy out of the array that it can. (The inverter will regulate the battery voltage by selling excess energy to the grid.)

Monitoring & Data Logging

All but the most basic charge controllers come with some system monitoring. All of the charge controllers included offer remote display options, enabling you to monitor the system’s operation in the house, for example, rather than at the controller’s location. Most of the MPPT charge controllers include a digital display on the controller as well. If your system has multiple charge controllers (from the same manufacturer), they can communicate with each other to coordinate charging, and can all send data to a single remote monitor.
MidNite Solar offers an amp-hour-counting state-of-charge meter with their Classic charge controllers, and as an option on its smaller KID controllers. Battery state-of-charge (SOC) metering, which shows battery SOC as a percentage, is an important tool that enables users to easily see how full (or empty) their batteries are. But it is often left out of systems because it comes at an extra cost.
Data logging can be another important feature, especially with systems that are not monitored daily. The larger  MidNite Solar, Morningstar, OutBack Power, and Schneider Electric charge controllers include data logging, so you can see how many kWh the system produced over a period of time. Having access to this data can be useful for installers when troubleshooting a system.
MidNite Solar, OutBack Power, and Schneider Electric’s charge controllers can be connected to a computer or smartphone (directly for MidNite Solar, and through an extra communications device for OutBack Power and Schneider Electric charge controllers) for monitoring, programming, and accessing historical data.